Ad hoc referee
Since 2022, I have served as a reviewer for several high-impact journals. My primary focus is on non-profit and community-driven journals. I have contributed as a referee for:
- AoB Plants
- Journal of Experimental Botany
- Plant and Soil
- Plant Methods
- Plant Phenomics
- Scientific Reports
- The Plant Phenome Journal
Conference Contributions
Conferences and workshops are the heartbeat of scientific progress, fostering collaboration and the exchange of ideas. I contributed in several international scientific meetings to share and gain knowledge. These are the ones listed below.
International Society of Root Research 12th International Symposium (ISRR)
Leipzig, Germany
Functional-structural plant modelling based on experimental data reveals that soil phosphorus status influences root system conductance
TERENO Workshop 24
Leipzig, Germany
Insights into the Soil-Plant Continuum: Multi-Year Above- and Belowground Data from Selhausen Minirhizotron Facilities
AGU Fall Meeting
San Francisco, USA
Unrevealing Subsoil Processes in the Selhausen Minirhizotron Facilities: Comprehensive Insights into the Soil-Plant Continuum With a New Unique Dataset
Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM2023)
Berlin, Germany
In silico Investigation on Phosphorus Efficiency of Zea mays: An Experimental Whole Plant Model Parametrization Approach
Icelandic HPC Community Workshop
Reykjavik, Iceland
Cultivating Knowledge: Managing Plant Data, Linking Data to Models, and the Benefits of Augmented Data in Plant and Crop Sciences
Plant Biology
Savannah, USA
Modelling architectural and functional response of Zea mays to phosphorus deficiency based on experimental data
Bonn, Germany
The Selhausen Minirhizotron Facilities: A Unique Set-Up to Investigate Subsoil Processes within the Soil-Plant Continuum
Gehnt, Belgium
Data to Model Parametrization of Zea mays under P limitation
Since 2022 I am serving as a teaching assisstent at the University of Bonn